Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Long Overdue Update

Hello all:

I apologize for not having updated the blog recently. I have finished most of my applications, so hopefully I can do a better job of keeping up now.

There is lots of news that Luciana would like you to know. She is sleeping in her own room now in a new crib, which she seems to like very much. She has outgrown the bassinet.

She is very talkative, though we are still working on sentence structure, appropriate use of articles, and diction (or any words at all for that matter). She can, however, blow very impressive rasberries.

Lou is also eating rice cereal now, though we have a way to go before we can truely say that we have mastered the art of the spoon.

Most importantly, her own personality is starting to emerge. I am very pleased to report that she is a genuinely happy little person with a wonderful sense of humor. It is difficult to stay worried about anything when she smiles at you.

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