Saturday, July 7, 2007

Summer, 2007

Hello Gentle Reader,

Little Lou has been very busy since my last update. She can now crawl (rather quickly), sit independently, and even stand without holding on to things for short periods. Much to the joy of her father, she is able to say "dada" now (although our panel of judges cannot agree whether she can use this word purposefully). Officially, her first word is still "hi." She took her first flight to visit the Hemphill family on Hilton Head Island in May. She has also started "school" at the Jewish Community Center. They don't seem to mind much that she's not Jewish. However, don't call it "daycare" or they will be very offended. They are doing a wonderful job. Luciana is very happy there and now has several new little friends. Luciana hopes this update finds all of her family and friends happy and well.

1 comment:

meghna said...

how do i subscribe to this blog?